04 12月, 2023
(English) Enterprises with foreign investments in Uzbekistan
(English) As of November 1, 2023, the number of operating enterprises with foreign investments in Uzbekistan amounted to 13,019 units, of which 4,822 units (37%) joint ventures and 8,197 units (63%) foreign enterprises.
01 12月, 2023
(English) Consumer price index in the Republic of Uzbekistan (November 2023)
(English) In November 2023, the consolidated Consumer price index (CPI) for the month was 101.1%, by December 2022 – 107.4%. In annual terms (as of November of the previous year), the consolidated CPI was fixed at 108.8%.
21 11月, 2023
(English) Foreign Trade Turnover of the Republic of Uzbekistan for January-October 2023
(English) In January-October 2023, foreign trade turnover in the country amounted to 51.0 billion US dollars and increased compared to the same period last year by 10.3 billion US dollars or by 25.2%.
20 11月, 2023
(English) Economic situation in the Republic of Uzbekistan in January-October 2023
(English) In January-October 2023, Index of physical volume of industrial production amounted to 105.8%, Consumer price index CPI 106.2%
14 11月, 2023
(English) Information about Special Economic Zones in the Republic of Uzbekistan (In January-September 2023)
(English) As of October 1, 2023, there are 819 special economic zones in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in which 5,196 enterprises and organizations operate.
09 11月, 2023
(English) Lonely Planet named Uzbekistan the best tourist destination
(English) During the international travel exhibition "World Travel Mart", held in London Uzbekistan was awarded a special certificate in connection with the victory in the nomination "Uzbekistan - the best travel destination" for 2024.

