30 1月, 2023
(English) The gross domestic product of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022 amounted to 888.3 trillion soums or about 80.4 billion US dollars
(English) In 2022, the GDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan at current prices amounted to 888,341.7 billion soums and, compared to 2021, increased in real terms by 5.7%.
26 1月, 2023
(English) The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan has kept the main rate unchanged at 15% per annum
(English) At a meeting on January 26, 2023, the Board of Governors of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan kept the policy rate unchanged, at 15 percent per annum
25 1月, 2023
(English) Investments in fixed capital for 2022 in the Republic of Uzbekistan amounted to about 270 trillion soums
(English) According to the data of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 269.9 trillion soums of investments in fixed assets were mastered in 2022 (an increase compared to 2021 was 100.9%).
21 1月, 2023
(English) Moody’s upgraded Uzbekistan’s “stable” rating
(English) Moody's rating agency has upgraded Uzbekistan's rating from B1 ("positive") to Ba3 ("stable").
20 1月, 2023
(English) The foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022 exceeded 50 billion US dollars
(English) According to the results of January – December 2022, the foreign trade turnover of the republic reached 50,008.4 million US dollars.
11 1月, 2023
(English) According to World Bank estimates, the economy of Uzbekistan in 2022 grew by 5.7%
(English) As noted in the latest issue of the World Bank's World Economic Outlook report (Global Economic Prospects), the economy of Uzbekistan grew by 5.7% in 2022.

