31 Oct, 2022

Gross domestic product (GDP) of the Republic of Uzbekistan for January-September 2022

According to the data of State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in accordance with a preliminary assessment, in January-September 2022, the GDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan at current prices amounted to 627,476.9 billion soums and, compared to January-September 2021, in-creased in real terms by 5.8%. The GDP deflator index, in relation to prices in January-September 2021, amounted to 113.9%.

According to the results of January-September 2022, in the structure of produced GDP, the gross value added of goods production amounted to 345,871.4 billion soums, services – 233,097.4 billion soums, and net taxes on products – 48,508.1 billion soums.

For reference: The average permanent population of the Republic of Uzbekistan was: in January-September 2018 – 32871.2 thousand people, January-September 2019 – 33490.2 thousand people, January-September 2020 – 34144.2 thousand people, January-September 2021 – 34819.1 thousand people, January-September 2022 – 35546.2 thousand people.

In January-September 2022, GDP per capita at current prices amounted to 17 652.4 thousand soums (or, in equivalent, 1 603.4 US dollars).

As it is clear from the presented infographic, in January-September 2022, GDP per capita growth in real terms amounted to 3.6%. In January-September 2020, it decreased by 1.4% against an increase in January-September 2021 by 5.3%.

According to the results of January-September 2022, agriculture, forestry and fisheries demonstrated a positive growth rate of 3.6% (in January-September 2021 – 4.0%, January-September 2020 – 2.6%, January-September 2019 – 2.2%, January-September 2018 – 0.8%).

The positive dynamics in this industry is due to the growth of livestock production by 4.1% (in January-September 2021 – 2.6%, January-September 2020 – 2.2%, January-September 2019 – 2.6%, January-September 2018 – 5.6%) and crop production by 3.0% (in January-September 2018 -September 2021 – an increase of 5.7%, January-September 2020 – an increase of 3.1%, January-September 2019 – an increase of 2.3%, January-September 2018 – a decrease of 3.3%).

According to the results of January-September 2022, the industry has seen an increase in added value by 5.3%. The positive dynamics in this industry is mainly due to an increase in the value added of the manufacturing industry by 5.4% and electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning by 14.7%.

Compared to January-September 2021, construction works increased by 6.3%, while the growth rate of construction of buildings and structures amounted to 103.7%, civil facilities – 106.6% and specialized construction works – 126.2%.

For information: in January-September 2022, the volume of construction work amounted to 94 117.9 billion soums. Of the total volume of construction work, large organizations account for 26.2%, small enterprises and microfirms – 54.6%, individuals – 19.2%.

In January-September 2022, in the structure of gross value added of trade, the largest share fell on retail trade (except for trade in motor vehicles) and reached 66.0%. The share of wholesale trade (except for trade in motor vehicles) amounted to 27.5%, wholesale and retail trade in motor vehicles and their repair – 6.5%.

In January-September 2022, the GDP deflator index amounted to 113.9% compared to prices in January-September 2021. The highest values of deflator indices in the context of industries were noted in industry – 114.8%, construction – 114.8% and other service industries – 118.8%.

Deflator indices are lower than, in general, for the economy (113.9%), were observed in trade, accommodation and food services – 112.8%, agriculture, forestry and fisheries – 108.5%, transportation and storage, information and communication – 103.9%.

At the same time, the deflator index of net taxes on products amounted to 123.2%.

For information: The consumer price index (CPI) in Uzbekistan for January-September 2022 compared to January-September 2021 reached 111.2%, while the CPI for goods amounted to 112.5%, for services – 106.7%.

During the period under review, compared with January-September 2021, food prices increased by 14.9%, non-food products – by 9.7%.

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