02 Nov, 2022

Inflation in the consumer sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 10 months of 2022

According to the data of State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in October 2022, the average price level in the consumer market increased by 1.2%.

In January – October 2022, the increase in prices in the consumer sector reached 9.4% with an average monthly value of 0.9%.

In annual terms (relative to October 2021), the increase in consumer prices amounted to 12.2%.

The leader in price growth for the month in October 2022 was services, which increased in price by an average of 1.5%.

Food products over the same period increased in price by 1.4%, non-food products – 0.9%.

In October this year, food products retained their leadership in price growth compared to the end of last year (11.5%) with an average monthly increase for January-October 2022 by 1.1%.

Non-food products for the specified period rose by 8.9% with an average monthly increase of 0.9%.

The increase in prices for paid services in January – October 2022 reached 6.4% with an average monthly value of 0.6%.

The increase in food prices in annual terms in October 2022 reached 15.9%, providing the undisputed leadership of this group of goods.

Non-food products, compared with October 2021, became more expensive by 10.7%, services – by 7.5%.

Despite the fact that services became the leader in price growth for the month in October this year, the key inflationary factor in the short term, taking into account the specific weight, was the increase in food prices. With a general increase in their prices for the month by 1.4%, their contribution to the increase in the consolidated indicator reached +0.58 p.p., which is about 46.8% of the total impact of the observed goods and services.

The share of services, which grew by 1.5% over the month, accounted for 27.4% of the total impact. Due to rising prices in this group, the consolidated CPI rose by 0.34 p.p. over the month.

The contribution of price increases for non-food products was the smallest among the three main groups and reached 0.32 p.p. (25.8%).

The dominant contribution to the growth of the consolidated CPI for October 2022 compared to December last year be longs to food products, which, having increased in price by an average of 11.5%, increased the consolidated CPI by 4.86 p.p.

The increase in the consolidated CPI for October 2022 compared to October last year was most tangibly affected by the increase in food prices, which, having risen in price by an average of 15.9%, increased the consolidated CPI by 6.72 p.p.

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