31 Dec, 2023

The Consumer Price Index in the Republic of Uzbekistan (December 2023)

According to the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in December 2023 the consolidated CPI in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the month was 101,2%.

In annual terms (by December 2022) the consolidated CPI was fixed at 108,8%.

The average monthly increase in the CPI for January – December 2023 reached 0.7%. This is 0.2 points less than a year earlier and 0.1 points lower than in 2021.

* – The consumer price index (CPI) acting as the main indicator of inflation processes in the consumer sector, is one of the key indicators for assessing the socio economic state of the country. It reflects the change in the cost of a fixed set of goods and services purchased by the population for non productive consumption, with its structure unchanged.

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