15 Apr, 2022

Presentation of the Yangihayot Industrial Texnopark project

In Tashkent, the Hilton Hotel hosted a presentation of the Yangihayot Industrial Texnopark project, which showed Lots available for purchase through bidding on the e-auksion.uz platform.

During the presentation, detailed information was provided on the lands offered for sale and the conditions for participation in the auction.

The event was opened by the khokim of Tashkent J. A. Artikkhodzhaev, who greeted the participants of the presentation.

After that, the Yangihayot Industrial Park project was presented, information was given on the lands and lots put up for auction, on the procedure for registering and participating in the auction, on the transparency of the auction and the additional amenities created.

The project developers, competent representatives of the Khokimiyat and other state organizations gave detailed answers to the questions of the presentation participants. 

For reference:

The Yangihayot Industrial Park project was initiated in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4979 dated February 4, 2021 in order to increase the industrial and export potential of the city of Tashkent, expand the production of new types of competitive industrial products, introduce modern technologies in the economy, provide the population on this basis high paying jobs.

The project consists of two stages, the first of which includes 110 hectares, consisting of lots ranging from 25 acres to 5 hectares and intended for heavy and light industry, the production of building materials by investors, food products and other industrial areas. The second stage includes 100 hectares, which consist of lots from 1 to 10 hectares, providing for the organization of logistics and distribution centers, manufacturing enterprises in other directions.

The industrial park occupies 210 hectares. It is designed to enable investors to launch new production, logistics and distribution centers there. The park has access to the railway line. The management will provide full support to the investor until the project is put into operation. Due to the work of the industrial park, it is planned to create about 20 thousand jobs. For production, this is a good choice in terms of location. In addition, they plan to bring communications at the request of entrepreneurs, as well as to make public roads. The lease will be under a contract of 10 years or more.

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