01 Jun, 2024

Consumer Price Index in the Republic of Uzbekistan (May 2024)

In May 2024, the overall Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Uzbekistan was 102.8%. The acceleration in rates occurred against the backdrop of rising tariffs for electricity and gas for the population.

From January to May 2024, the CPI amounted to 105.5%.

In annual terms (compared to May 2023), the overall CPI was recorded at 110.6%.

In May 2024, the CPI for goods for the month was 99.0%, compared to December 2023, it was 101.1%. In annual terms, this indicator stood at 105.6%.

The short-term CPI for services in May 2024 was 115.2%. By December 2023, it had reached 120.0%, and by May 2023, 127.0%.


Source: The Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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