07 Nov, 2022
Samarkand will become the world tourism capital in 2023
The 25th General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) will be held in 2023 in Samarkand. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Aziz Abdukhakimov.
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03 Nov, 2022
Address to the participants of the II International Economic Forum of Uzbekistan
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev addressed the participants of the II International Economic Forum of Uzbekistan.
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02 Nov, 2022
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has begun investing in government securities of Uzbekistan
For the first time, deals on the purchase of government securities by a foreign investor were concluded at the primary auctions of UZCE.
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02 Nov, 2022
Inflation in the consumer sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 10 months of 2022
In October 2022, the average price level in the consumer market increased by 1.2%. In January – October 2022, the increase in prices in the consumer sector reached 9.4% with an average monthly value of 0.9%.
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01 Nov, 2022
Export and import of goods and services, as well as primary and secondary income for 9 months of 2022
The current account deficit of the balance of payments amounted to $346.6 million. The negative balance ($10.9 billion) of the trade balance (goods and services) was offset by a positive balance ($11.2 billion) of primary and secondary income.
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31 Oct, 2022
Gross domestic product (GDP) of the Republic of Uzbekistan for January-September 2022
In January-September 2022, the GDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan at current prices amounted to 627,476.9 billion soums and, compared to January-September 2021, in-creased in real terms by 5.8%.
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