19 Feb, 2024

In Uzbekistan, it is planned to attract foreign investments amounting to $7.2 billion in the first quarter

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 14.02.2024 No. 92 “On measures to implement the investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the first quarter of 2024,” the attraction and deployment of foreign investments are planned at $7,156.5 million.

The targeted figures for the attraction and deployment of foreign investments in the following sectors have been specified as follows:

  • Ministry of Energy – $1,685 million.
  • JSC “Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine” – $331 million.
  • JSC “Uzbekneftegaz” – $254.1 million.
  • JSC “Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine” – $220 million.
  • JSC “Uzchemicalindustry” – $195.7 million.
  • Ministry of Digital Development – $131.1 million.
  • JSC “Thermal Power Stations” – $120.1 million.
  • Ministry of Agriculture – $120 million.
  • Ministry of Mining and Geological Industry – $100.5 million.
  • Association “Uztextileindustry” – $100 million.
  • Other sectors – $808.7 million.


The targeted figures for the attraction and deployment of foreign investments in different regions are as follows:

  • Tashkent city – $428.3 million.
  • Namangan region – $329.4 million.
  • Fergana region – $327.0 million.
  • Tashkent region – $307.7 million.
  • Andijan region – $253.8 million.
  • Samarkand region – $241.8 million.
  • Jizzakh region – $221.3 million.
  • Bukhara region – $211.0 million.
  • Syrdarya region – $160.4 million.
  • Surkhandarya region – $156.7 million.
  • Kashkadarya region – $149.6 million.
  • Navoi region – $136.5 million.
  • Khorezm region – $117.3 million.
  • Republic of Karakalpakstan – $49.8 million.


Source: Lex.uz 

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