03 Aug, 2022

Uzbekistan imported goods and services worth more than $14.5 billion in the first half of the year

In January-June 2022, the volume of imports to Uzbekistan increased by 27.4% compared to the corresponding period last year.

According to the State Statistics Committee, in the first half of the year, the country imported $14.560 billion worth of goods and services.

During the reporting period, the republic’s import of products amounted to $13.45 billion and services – nearly $1.1 billion.

Structure of imports:
•  machinery and equipment (33.9%)
•  industrial products (18.9%)
•  chemical products (13.7%)
•  food (11.1%)
•  services (7.5%)
•  mineral fuels (5%)
•  various finished products (4.5%) 
•  other goods (5.3%)

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