Nurullaev Batirjon Utkirovich

Co-owner, Managing Partner

Short biography

Born in 1969 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Education: higher, graduated from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute and the Tashkent Financial Institute.


1990 – 2011 – worked in various positions in the banking sector, including Department of banking operations, Lending, Head of city and regional branches of banks (Uzagroindustrialbank, Zaminbank, NBU).

2003 – 2011 Deputy Chairman of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan (NBU), Chairman of Credit Committee of the NBU.

2011 – 2018 – Head of a major investment project in the Russian Federation.

2018 – 2021 – Deputy Khokim (Governor) of the Samarkand region for tourism development.

2022 – to present – co-founder and Managing Partner of the private investment consulting company “INVEXI” LLC.


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