03 Apr, 2024

$240 Million allocated for Internal Road Construction with ADB Funds

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev acquainted himself with the presentation of plans in the field of road construction.

Numerous projects are being developed in Uzbekistan aimed at developing the network of international and local roads and improving transportation convenience. In particular, the implementation of the project “Construction of Internal Roads with Cement Concrete Pavement” is envisaged with the participation of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Within the framework of the project, 841 kilometers of roads with cement concrete pavement will be constructed in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and 86 districts of regions, where more than 770 thousand people reside in 272 mahallas. $240 million from the Asian Development Bank will be allocated for this purpose.

Construction and technical supervision will be fully carried out by domestic contractors – private entrepreneurs and local engineers. After the roads are put into operation, the main contractor will ensure their guaranteed maintenance and operation for 5 years.

Another project is aimed at reconstructing a section of the international highway M39 “Almaty – Bishkek – Tashkent – Shakhrisabz – Termez” from kilometer 1255 to 1315. This narrow and in need of repair section passes through the center of the Dekhonabad district.

Within the project, 60 kilometers of four-lane road with cement concrete pavement will be constructed. Around the center of the Dekhonabad district, a new 17-kilometer bypass road, 14 bridges, and road overpasses will be built. The works will be financed through the attraction of nearly $154 million from the Islamic Development Bank and the OPEC International Development Fund.

By the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 10, 2023, the task of revising the list of public roads has been defined. The document also approved the list of roads with a length of 20 kilometers in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and each region, the operation of which is experimentally transferred to the private sector on an outsourcing basis.

The presentation provided information on the work done in this direction and plans for the current year.

The head of state gave instructions for the quality construction of roads, the creation of tree plantations along the repaired streets to improve the ecology of the regions, and the development of convenient road transport infrastructure in rural areas.


Source: President.uz

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