23 Oct, 2023

Investments in fixed assets in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 9 months of 2023

According to the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in January-September 2023 y. 226.6 trillion soums (more than 19.6 billion US dollars) of investments in fixed assets were disbursed and, compared to the corresponding period in 2022 this amounted to 111.8%.

62.0% or 140.5 trillion soums of investments in fixed capital, were financed from borrowed funds, 38.0% or 86.1 trillion soums, from the own funds of enterprises, organizations and the Population.

Also, their volume, disbursed from centralized sources of financing, amounted to 29.6 trillion soums, the remaining 197.0 trillion soums were disbursed from non-centralized sources of financing.

In January-September 2023 y. 62.8 trillion soums of investments in fixed assets, or 27.7% of their total volume, were disbursed from the own funds of enterprises and organizations. At the expense of the population, 23.2 trillion soums, or 10.3% were disbursed.

Through foreign direct investment, 43.6 trillion soums were disbursed, which, compared to the corresponding period in 2022 is 4.5 percentage points more, or 19.2% of their total volume.

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