22 Apr, 2024

The permanent population of Uzbekistan has reached 37 million people

As of April 22, 2024, the permanent population of the Republic of Uzbekistan reached 37 million people, according to data from the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

Of these: women – 18.3 million (49.7%) and men – 18.6 million (50.3%).

It is expected that in 2030 the population of Uzbekistan will exceed 41 million people, by 2040 this figure will reach 46 million, and by 2050 – 50 million people.

The share of the working-age population in the next 26 years will be at 56% and will practically not decrease.

According to forecasts, Uzbekistan will be ahead of many CIS countries in terms of population and will retain its leading position in Central Asia in terms of this indicator.

Below is information on demographics with gender indicators, as well as the number of the permanent population of the Republic of Uzbekistan by region:

1 Republic of Karakalpakstan 2 010,8 5,4%
2 Andijan region 3 412,4 9,2%
3 Bukhara region 2 052,6 5,5%
4 Jizzakh region 1 516,0 4,1%
5 Kashkadarya region 3 580,6 9,7%
6 Navoi region 1 081,0 2,9%
7 Namangan region 3 083,0 8,3%
8 Samarkand region 4 231,5 11,4%
9 Surkhandarya region 2 894,6 7,8%
10 Syrdarya region 918,8 2,5%
11 Tashkent region 3 069,0 8,3%
12 Fergana region 4 083,6 11,0%
13 Khorezm region 2 004,8 5,4%
14 Tashkent city 3 061,4 8,3%
  TOTAL for the Republic of Uzbekistan
as of April 22, 2024:
37 000,0 100%

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