Khodjaev Oybek Erkinovich

Co-owner, CEO

Short biography

Born in 1969 in Samarkand city, Uzbekistan.

Education: higher, graduated from Tashkent State University of Economics.


1990-2001 – worked in various positions in the Department of banking operations, departments of Economic analysis, Lending, Currency transactions and Foreign economic activity, Head of the department of securities and investments, Project financing, Director of the treasury and Deputy Chairman of the board of the joint-stock commercial bank “Uzagroindustrialbank” (later renamed “Pakhta Bank” and “Agrobank”)

2001-2002 – Chairman of the Board of the Center for Information and Analytical Support for Participants of the Stock Market of the Republic of Uzbekistan “AT&M”.

2002-2019 – founder and head of a private consulting company and head of various investment projects in CIS.

2019-2022 – Deputy Khokim (Governor) of the Samarkand region – Head of the investment and foreign trade Department of the Samarkand region.

2022 – to present – Co-founder and CEO of the private investment consulting company “INVEXI” LLC.

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