01 Jan, 2024

2024 is the “Year of Youth and Business Support” in Uzbekistan

New Year greetings to the people of Uzbekistan

Dear compatriots!

The new year – 2024 – is coming to our beloved land.

In these wonderful moments, I sincerely, wholeheartedly congratulate our blessed fathers and mothers, loving sisters, representatives of all spheres and industries, our determined young people, our dear compatriots abroad – our whole multinational nation on this auspicious occasion.

Dear friends!

Of course, as long as there is life, it is natural to have its achievements and joys, worries and problems. But people and people can pass any test with their intelligence, honest work, and strong will.

In this sense, 2023 is auspicious for our country. The most important thing is peace and harmony in our country, friendship, and solidarity among representatives of different nationalities.

For the first time in our history, we adopted our updated Constitution based on a national referendum. We have started implementing the “Uzbekistan-2030” strategy, which will determine our future development.

We held many prestigious conferences at a high level.

We have put forward important initiatives in the international arena.

We managed to maintain stable economic growth rates.

High-tech modern industrial enterprises, logistics and infrastructure networks, kindergartens and schools, cultural and sports facilities were built in our republic. New jobs are opening. Our cities and villages are prosperous, and the population’s standard of living is rising.

Thanks to our joint work, the dream of New Uzbekistan is becoming a reality. I sincerely thank you, my dear compatriots, for all our achievements.

Dear friends!

It is our main task to glorify human dignity, to ensure the interests of our population, and for this to build a strong economy. For this purpose, we declared 2024 as the “Year of Youth and Business Support” in our country.

In the new year, we will strengthen attracting foreign investments to our economy, creating wide opportunities for entrepreneurship and private property. We pay special attention to the development of science, innovation, IT, “green” and digital technologies.

Creating new jobs and increasing the income of the population will be at the center of our attention. The amount of wages, pensions, scholarships, and allowances will be increased. We attach special importance to supporting women and intellectuals, people in need of help. We will raise the development of social spheres to a completely new level.

Strengthening the independence of our country and increasing the combat potential of our Armed Forces will remain our priority.

In short, we will fully mobilize all our strength and capabilities to build a new life, New Uzbekistan.

My dear and respected compatriots!

Once again, I congratulate you on the New Year holiday and wish you all good health, family happiness, peace, and blessings in your homes.

Let every family, every neighborhood, and our whole country be prosperous!

May the Creator of our beautiful Motherland protect us!

Happy New Year to all of us!


Shavkat Mirziyoyev,

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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