25 Jan, 2023

Investments in fixed capital for 2022 in the Republic of Uzbekistan amounted to about 270 trillion soums

According to the data of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 269.9 trillion soums of investments in fixed assets were mastered in 2022 (an increase compared to 2021 was 100.9%).

Of these:

  • 1%, or 159.6 trillion soums of investments in fixed assets, was financed from borrowed funds,
  • 9%, or 110.3 trillion soums – from the own funds of enterprises, organizations and the population.

Also, their volume, disbursed from centralized sources of financing, amounted to 41.5 trillion soums, the remaining 228.4 trillion soums were disbursed from non-centralized sources of financing.

In January-December 2022, 84.5 trillion soums of investments in fixed assets, or 31.3% of their total volume, were disbursed at the expense of the own funds of enterprises and organizations. At the expense of the population, 25.8 trillion soums, or 9.5%, were disbursed.

37.0 trillion soums were disbursed through foreign direct investment, which, compared with the corresponding period of 2021, is more by 1.2 percentage points, or 13.7% of their total volume.

At the same time,

  • due to bank loans and other borrowed funds, 21.1 trillion soums were disbursed (7.8% of the total investment in fixed assets and this indicator, compared with the corresponding period of 2021, decreased by 0.2 percentage points),
  • foreign loans under the guarantee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, amounting to 15.2 trillion soums (5.6% decreased by 2.0 percentage points),
  • non–guaranteed and other foreign investments and loans – 60.0 trillion soums (22.3%),
  • the Reconstruction and Development Fund – 2.5 trillion soums (0.9% decreased by 0.3 percentage points),
  • the Republican budget – 20.9 trillion soums (7.8% decreased by 1.4 percentage points),
  • the Fund for the Development of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems – 2.9 trillion soums (1.1% decreased by 0.1 percentage points) of their total volume.

In the technological structure of investments in fixed assets in the Republic of Uzbekistan,

  • 2 trillion soums were allocated for the purchase of machinery, equipment and inventory, which amounted to 44.5% of their total volume,
  • investments for construction and installation works reached 131.0 trillion soums (share in the total volume 48.6%),
  • for other costs – 18.7 trillion soums (6.9%).

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