21 Nov, 2022

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the head of the French Development Agency discussed the possibilities of expanding a multifaceted partnership

Today, on November 21, in Paris, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, as part of an official visit to France, received Director General of the French Development Agency (FAD) Remy Riou.

The issues of further expansion of cooperation between Uzbekistan and the French Development Agency, as well as filling it with new promising projects, were considered.

The high level of cooperation achieved recently was noted with satisfaction. The portfolio of joint projects has reached 1 billion euros. With the participation of the Agency, important programs for the development of infrastructure, economic sectors and the social sphere are being implemented today.

The Head of the FDA, noting the impressive results of the ongoing reform program in the New Uzbekistan, highly appreciated the current dynamics and potential of interaction.

During the conversation, special attention was paid to the issues of deepening practical partnership in such priority areas as the introduction of effective public-private partnership mechanisms, primarily in the fields of education, healthcare and infrastructure, expanding support for green economy projects in transport and energy, support for the agro-industrial complex, promotion of training projects and financing of women’s and youth entrepreneurship.

The importance of the active use of mechanisms of mixed financing of projects, including with the participation of direct investments of French companies, was emphasized.

The parties agreed to prepare a roadmap for the implementation of all agreements reached.

At the end of the meeting, a signing ceremony was held between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the French Development Agency for a new Strategic Cooperation Program until 2025 worth over 1 billion euros, which provides for specific joint projects in agriculture, energy, green economy, urban development, water supply, banking and financial sector and transport.


Source: https://president.uz/ru/lists/view/5721

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