10 Oct, 2022

Uzbekistan Economic Forum 2022

On November 3-4, the ancient Silk Road city of Samarkand will serve as the spectacular backdrop for the second Uzbekistan Economic Forum, an assembly of the world’s leading economists, influential investors, and international experts.

On the agenda: a frank and in-depth discussion of the development strategy of New Uzbekistan over the next five years, its goals, prospects, opportunities, and challenges. We’ll explore themes including the private sector’s role in fueling economic growth, monetary and macroprudential policies in a changing environment and the necessity of transitioning to a green economy.

Our central theme this year is “People at the Heart of Economic Reforms,” a reminder that brighter and more stable future for Uzbekistan’s young, ambitious population lies at the heart of all our initiatives. We’ll examine issues such as the importance of macroeconomic stability for people and business and how to move from risks to opportunities in demographic growth, human capital and migration.

We’ll also discuss the practical steps Uzbekistan is taking to build the economy of tomorrow, including the tools and goals of financial market development, trade, connectivity, and industry policy, enabling the business environment and unleashing the potential of infrastructure development.

Details: https://economic-forum.uz/en/

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