14 Dec, 2022

Number of enterprises with foreign capital in Uzbekistan

According to the State Committee of Uzbekistan as of December 1, 2022, the number of enterprises operating with the participation of foreign capital in our republic is 15,497 units, which is 2,389 units (118%) more than in the same period last year.

Number of enterprises operating with the participation of foreign capital by region:

  1. City of Tashkent – 9 496 (61.27% of the total number of operating enterprises with foreign capital participation)
  2. Tashkent region – 1 622 (10,46%)
  3. Samarkand region – 704 (4,54%)
  4. Surkhandarya region – 627 (4,04%)
  5. Fergana region – 598 (3,85%)
  6. Andijan region – 430 (2,77%)
  7. Bukhara region – 389 (2,51%)
  8. Namangan region – 316 (2,03%)
  9. Navoi region – 261 (1,68%)
  10. Kashkadarya region – 243 (1,56%)
  11. Jizzakh region – 223 (1,43%)
  12. Syrdarya region – 212 (1,36%)
  13. Republic of Karakalpakstan – 189 (1,21%)
  14. Khorezm region – 187 (1,20%)

The largest number of them fell on the following states:

Russia – 3,055 (19.7%)

Turkey – 2,171 (14.0%)

China – 2,115 (13.6%)

Kazakhstan – 1,235 (8,0%)

South Korea – 919 (5,9%).

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