30 May, 2023

Number of enterprises with participation of foreign capital in Uzbekistan

According to the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as of May 1, 2023, the number of operating enterprises with participation of foreign capital in Uzbekistan is 12,989 units (of which 5,057 are joint ventures and 7,932 are foreign enterprises), including by region:

1 Tashkent city 8 236 63,41%
2 Tashkent region 1 429 11,00%
3 Samarkand region 536 4,13%
4 Ferghana region 469 3,61%
5 Surkhandarya region 390 3,00%
6 Andijan region 333 2,56%
7 Bukhara region 321 2,47%
8 Namangan region 229 1,76%
9 Navoi region 218 1,68%
10 Syrdarya region 184 1,42%
11 Jizzakh region 182 1,40%
12 Kashkadarya region 181 1,39%
13 Republic of Karakalpakstan 154 1,19%
14 Khorezm region 127 0,98%


Their number by sectors of the economy was reflected as follows:

  • in trade – 3,977 units.
  • in industry – 3,362 units.
  • in construction – 948 units.
  • in the information and communication industry – 782 units.
  • in agriculture, forestry and fisheries – 541 units.
  • in the housing and catering industry – 480 units.
  • in the transportation and storage industry – 441 units.
  • in the healthcare and social services sector – 186 units.
  • in other types – 2,272 units.

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