22 Feb, 2023

The foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Uzbekistan in January 2023 amounted to 5 billion US dollars

According to preliminary data of the Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in January 2023, the foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Uzbekistan amounted to 5.0 billion US dollars and increased by 1.5 billion US dollars or 42.0% compared to the same period last year.

Of the total FTT volume, exports amounted to 2,082.8 million US dollars (an increase of 45.1% compared to January 2022), and imports amounted to 2,959.7 million US dollars (an increase of 39.8%). As a result, the balance of foreign trade turnover was negative in the amount of -876.9 million US dollars.

To date, the Republic of Uzbekistan has trade relations with 134 countries of the world The largest volume of foreign trade turnover was recorded with Russia (13,7%), China (10,8%), Germany (9,8%), Kazakhstan (6,6%), Turkey (5,2%), the Republic of Korea (2,8%) and Lithuania (2,2%).

Among the 20 largest partner countries in foreign economic activity, three of them have a positive foreign trade balance In particular, these are Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan With the remaining 17 countries, a negative foreign trade balance remains.

The share of the CIS countries in foreign trade turnover in January 2023 amounted to 27,0% and, compared to the same period last year, decreased by 5,9% which was recorded as the lowest figure in the last three years.

The volume of foreign trade turnover of other states in January 2023 compared to the same period in 2022 increased by 5,9% respectively, and amounted to 73,0% of the total foreign trade turnover.

The foreign trade turnover of Uzbekistan with the CIS countries reached 1,361.7 million US dollars, of which the volume of exports amounted to 479,8 million US dollars, and the volume of imports 881,8 million US dollars.

The largest volume of foreign trade turnover with the CIS countries was recorded with Russia (50.6%), Kazakhstan (24.5%) and Kyrgyzstan (4.5%).

The development of international economic relations contributes to the stable growth of exports, and this, in turn, creates the basis for achieving certain results Based on the reforms carried out aimed at increasing the country’s export potential, state support for exporters and expanding the range of export products, the number of exporters reached 2,359 and the volume of exports of goods and services amounted to 900,8 million US dollars (in addition to non monetary gold) and, compared to the same period in 2022 increased by 6,2%.

In the structure of exports, goods occupy 86.9%, of which industrial goods –13.1%, food products and live animals –5.4%, various finished products –3.7%.

During the reporting period, imports amounted to 2,959.7 million US dollars (an increase in growth rates, compared to January 2022 amounted to 139,8%). The main share in its structure is occupied by machinery and transport equipment 45,6% industrial goods 13,4% as well as chemicals and similar products 12,1%.

An analysis of the dynamics of imports of goods also showed that in January 2023 compared to the same period in 2022 the volume of imports of goods increased by 840,5 million US dollars and amounted to 2,810.1 million US dollars, and imports of services reached 149,6 million US dollars.

The share of imports from the CIS countries, compared to the same period in 2022, decreased by 6.4% and in foreign trade turnover, at the end of January 2023, it amounted to 29.8%.

In general, according to the results of January 2023 goods and services were imported to Uzbekistan from 121 countries. More than 2/3 of imports come from such large partner countries as Germany, Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Turkey, the Republic of Korea and Lithuania.

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