30 Jan, 2023

The gross domestic product of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022 amounted to 888.3 trillion soums or about 80.4 billion US dollars

According to the preliminary data of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022, the GDP of the Republic of Uzbekistan at current prices amounted to 888,341.7 billion soums and, compared to 2021, increased in real terms by 5.7%. The GDP deflator index, in relation to the prices of 2021, amounted to 113.8%.

When calculated in US dollars at the average exchange rate for the reporting period, nominal GDP amounted to 80,384.0 million US dollars.

Gross value added created by all sectors of the economy amounted to 93.2% of the total GDP and increased by 6.2% (contribution to GDP growth – 5.8 percentage points). Net taxes on products in the structure of GDP amounted to 6.8% and, compared to 2021, they decreased by 0.8% (contribution to GDP growth – 0.1 p.p.).

A positive contribution to GDP growth was made by the sectors of agriculture, forestry and fisheries – 0.9 p.p., industry – 1.3 p.p., construction – 0.4 p.p. and services – 3.2 p.p. Due to the reduction of net taxes on products, GDP decreased by 0.1 p.p.

At the end of 2022, insignificant changes were noted in the sectoral structure of GDP. Thus, the share of the service sector in the sectoral structure of GDP (GVA) increased from 39.6% to 41.5%, construction – from 6.6% to 6.7%, while the share of agriculture, forestry and fisheries decreased from 26.5% to 25.1%, industry – from 27.3% to 26.7%.

In 2022 GDP per capita at current prices amounted to 24,919.7 thousand soums (or, in equivalent 2,254.9 US dollars).

For reference: the average number of permanent population of the Republic of Uzbekistan was: in 2018 – 32,956.1 thousand people, in 2019 – 33,580.4 thousand people, in 2020 – 34,232.1 thousand people, in 2021 – 34,915.1 thousand people, in 2022 – 35,648.1 thousand people.

As it is clear from the presented infographic, in 2022, the growth of GDP per capita in real terms, compared to 2021, amounted to 3.5%, and compared to 2018 – 13.4%.

In 2022, the GDP deflator index was 113.8% compared to 2021 prices. The highest values of deflator indices in the context of industries were noted in construction – 114.3% and other service industries – 120.5%.

Deflator indices are lower than, in general, for the economy (113.8%), were observed in trade, accommodation and food services – 113.1%, industry – 112.2%, agriculture, forestry and fisheries – 110.7%, transportation and storage, information and communications – 105.1%.

At the same time, the deflator index of net taxes on products amounted to 116.9%.

For information: The consumer price index (CPI) in Uzbekistan for 2022 compared to 2021 reached 111.4%, while the CPI for goods amounted to 112.8%, for services – 107.0%. During the period under review, compared to 2021, food prices increased by 15.1%, non-food products – by 9.9%.

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