26 Mar, 2024

INNOPROM. Central Asia International Industrial Trade Fair will take place in Tashkent.

INNOPROM. Central Asia International Industrial Trade Fair will take place in NEC Uzexpocentre in Tashkent from April 22nd to 24th, 2024. The organisers of the event are the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

INNOPROM. Central Asia international industrial trade fair will soon be held in Tashkent for a fourth time. It is a key event for the development of industrial and trade cooperation which gathers together more than ten thousand visitors, including the leadership of the relevant ministries, delegations from various regions and representatives of the business community. It is expected that the trade fair will match last year’s record, by covering more than 14,000 sq.m of exhibition space across all of the pavilions in NEC Uzexpocentre, where more than 400 companies will present their solutions.

The trade fair creates opportunities to establish new production chains, and develop international cooperation in trade and industry.

The Russian exhibition space features products from flagship representatives of industry, including essential machine-building, metals and mining, energy and IT projects. The stand of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation showcasing innovative industrial projects will be one of the largest at the trade fair. Exhibitors that will present their solutions in the largest exhibition spaces will include Metalloinvest, Gazprombank, Modern Transport Technologies (STT Group), Rosatom State Corporation and Rostec State Corporation. The regions with the largest exhibition spaces include the Republic of Tatarstan, Krasnodar Region and Sverdlovsk Region. No less than 15 Russian regions will present through a shared exhibition space. Each year, Russian exporters present products and technologies that are in high demand across the Central Asian region.

The Republic of Uzbekistan will be represented by the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade’s collective stand, which will showcase the country’s largest companies and industrial projects. The shared space will feature investment projects and industrial companies that are open for cooperation from all 14 regions of the Republic. The largest Uzbek enterprises that participate in the event include the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex (AGMK), Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company (NMMC), Uzavtosanoat (UzAuto, automobile industry), Uzkimyosanoat (chemicals industry), and the Uzeltexsanoat Association (electrical sector). The authorities and companies working in investments, manufacturing, the economy, the energy sector and healthcare also play an active role in the event.

The event is attended by delegations from countries including China, Qazaqstan, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

Business programme features 15 events and will open with a main plenary session in which the Deputy Prime Ministers of Russia and Uzbekistan will participate, alongside ministers responsible for the development of industry and trade from other countries. Representatives from the business community and the relevant authorities will participate in specialised round table events, to discuss development of industrial infrastructure, innovations in the transport industry, the energy sector, as well as the introduction of new materials and the digitalization of industry.

“INNOPROM trade fair has already proven its value to Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan is an important industrial hub, and our task is to make INNOPROM in Tashkent not only a bilateral project, but a pan-regional one too. We are very glad that each year delegations and exhibitors come to INNOPROM in Tashkent from the countries that neighbor Uzbekistan. This year we are set to welcome exhibitors from China to the event for the first time” said Anton Atrashkin, INNOPROM program director.

In 2023 more than 10,000 people from 35 countries visited INNOPROM. Central Asia, while the footprint of the trade fair itself grew by 25% compared to 2022, and occupied the entire exhibition complex as 457 companies exhibited. The Russian section featured 281 exhibitors from 70 regions of Russia, with 17 regions exhibiting through shared stands and a further 26 regions sending delegations led by representatives from the local authorities. More than 150 cooperation agreements have been signed over the past three years during which the event has been held.



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