22 Nov, 2022

Foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 10 months of 2022

According to the data of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan in January-October 2022, the foreign trade turnover of the republic reached 40,098.7 million US dollars, which, compared to the same period in 2021, increased by 7,280.1 million US dollars (an increase of 22.2%).

Of the total volume of the FTT, exports amounted to 15,483.1 million US dollars (by January-October 2021, an increase of 23.8% was noted), and imports – 24,615.6 million US dollars (an increase of 21.2%).

As a result, the balance of foreign trade turnover amounted to a passive balance in the amount of -9,132.6 million US dollars.

Among the 20 major partner countries in foreign economic activity, there is an active foreign trade balance with three countries, in particular with such countries as Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. There is a passive balance of foreign trade turnover with 17 countries.

To date, the Republic of Uzbekistan has trade relations with 195 countries of the world. The largest volume of foreign trade turnover was recorded with China (18.7%), the Russian Federation (18.6%), Kazakhstan (9.3%), Turkey (6.7%), the Republic of Korea (4.9%), Kyrgyzstan (2.5%) and Germany (2.2%).



In January-October 2022, the total number of exporting entities amounted to 6,586 units, which ensured that the volume of exports without gold reached 12,512.2 million US dollars (an increase of 123.3% compared to the same period in 2021).

In the structure of exports, 78.8% is occupied by goods, which mainly fall on industrial goods (23.9%), food products and live animals (8.2%), chemicals and similar products (7.1%).

The volume of exports of fruits and vegetables in the period under review amounted to 1,425.3 thousand tons and, in value terms, reached 903.3 million US dollars (the growth rate, compared to the same period in 2021, amounted to 20.9%, respectively).

In January-October 2022, the share of fruits and vegetables in total exports amounted to 5.8%.

The main export markets for fruits and vegetables are the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, China and Pakistan.

According to the results of January-October 2022, the export of textile products was carried out in the amount of 2,635.2 million US dollars, which amounted to 17.0% of the total export volume and, compared to January-October 2021, it increased by 10.7%.

In the structure of exports of textile products, the main share is occupied by cotton yarn (46.6%), as well as finished knitwear and garments (27.5%). In January-October 2022, 532 types of textile products were exported to 69 countries of the world.

The volume of exports of services in January-October 2022 amounted to 3,276.8 million US dollars, or 21.2% of the total volume of trade exports and increased by 55.8% compared to the same period in 2021. As part of the export of services, the lion’s share is occupied by transport services (44.9%), travel (tourism) (39.9%), telecommunications, computer and information services (6.9%), other business services (4.2%).

At the same time, for other services (4.1%), the largest share, respectively, falls on financial services (1.8%), insurance and pension services (1.4%), maintenance and repair services (0.3%) and etc.



During the reporting period, imports amounted to 24,615.6 million US dollars (an increase in growth rates, compared to January-October 2021, amounted to 121.2%). The main share in its structure is occupied by machinery and transport equipment (31.6%), industrial goods (19.3%), as well as chemicals and similar products (13.9%).

An analysis of the dynamics of imports of goods also showed that in January-October 2022, compared to the same period in 2021, the volume of imports of goods increased by 3,587.5 million US dollars and amounted to 22,506.0 million US dollars, and imports of services reached 2,109.6 million US dollars.

The volume of imports of services in January-October 2022 amounted to 2,109.6 million US dollars, or 8.6% of its total volume, and increased by 51.4% compared to the same period in 2021. As part of the import of services, the main share is occupied by travel (tourism – 56.2%), transport services (15.2%), telecommunications, computer and information services (9.5%), other business services (6.6%).

In addition, other services accounted for 12.5% of total imports of services, including a high share of fees for the use of intellectual property (4.3%), construction services (3.3%), maintenance and repair services (2.3%), etc.

According to the results of January-October 2022, in the structure of imports, the volume of machinery and transport equipment reached 7,773.8 million and increased by 15.4% compared to the same period in 2021; in general, the share in total imports amounted to 31.6%.

Imports of machinery and transport equipment increased by 1,036.3 million US dollars. Most of the deliveries of these goods to the country fall on China — 2,978.1 million US dollars (38.3%), the Republic of Korea — 1,304.3 million US dollars (16.8%) and Turkey — 606.9 million US dollars (7.8%).

According to the results of January-October 2022, in the structure of imports, the volume of industrial goods reached 4,749.8 million US dollars and increased by 27.2% compared to the same period in 2021; in general, the share in total imports amounted to 19.3 %.

Most imports of manufactured goods fall on iron and steel (2,072.3 million US dollars), metal products (607.3 million US dollars), textile yarn, fabrics, finished products (449.9 million US dollars), paper or cardboard (375.4 million US dollars), etc.

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