12 Sep, 2023

The Strategy “UZBEKISTAN 2030” has been adopted

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 11, 2023 No.PD–158 “On the strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030” approved the Strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030”, developed on the basis of the experience gained in the process of implementing the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan and the results of public discussion.

The Strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030” includes 100 goals and 5 priority areas, these are:

  1. creating decent conditions for realizing the potential of every person;
  2. ensuring the well-being of the population through sustainable economic growth;
  3. saving water resources and protecting the environment;
  4. ensuring the rule of law, organizing of public administration focused on serving the people;
  5. consistent continuation of the policy based on the principle of “a safe and peaceful state”.

The document also displays the following main ideas:

  • entry of Uzbekistan into the number of countries with an above-average income through sustainable economic development;
  • creation of a system of education, medicine and social protection that fully meets the needs of the people and international standards;
  • creation of favorable environmental conditions for the population;
  • building a fair and modern state serving the people;
  • guaranteed provision of the sovereignty and security of the countr

The implementation of the strategy and the achievement of its target indicators have been declared a priority task for all government bodies and organizations of the country.

The Development Strategy Center, together with the Ministry of Digital Technologies, will launch an online portal for the population to assess the degree of implementation of the Strategy.

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